Dental Care
Parents often find taking their children to the dentist to be a challenge due to a variety of reasons, including transportation and having to take off work. Thatโs why so many parents appreciate the ease and convenience of the in-school dentist, knowing their childโs teeth are being kept healthy. Also, most kids are more comfortable seeing the dentist in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their school.
Each of the affiliated dentists are local and state licensed. They are assisted by licensed dental hygienists and/or professional dental assistants, and all are caring professionals devoted to providing children with the highest level of care. The Health Partners School-Based Dental Program is open to all children PreK-12th grade. No child is turned away! For those without insurance or the ability to pay, they are pleased to offer a grant program.
No child is turned away due to an inability to pay.
Dental services provided include:
Complete dental exam
Fluoride treatments
Oral health instruction
Information on the Mobile Dentist can be found at or by calling 567-825-0226 or 567-239-4562