Athletic Department Special Announcement
Welcome Back Panther Football Fans!
The Stryker Schools Athletic Department is excited to offer our 6th grade students more opportunities and involvement through the schools Athletics programing.
Starting Monday August 16th, 6th graders will be eligible to participate in Jr. High Football and Jr. High Football Cheerleading only. This exciting opportunity for our students is only allowable for Jr. High Football/Cheer due to the affiliation of the Northern 8 Football Conference.
Students that participate will need to follow all rules and guidelines in the Athletic hand book and follow all the requirements to participate. Each student will also need to have physicals, permission forms etc. and follow the protocols for eligibility.
If students are interested, please contact the following Coach for details:
Jr. High Football Coach: Coach Peters at;
Cheer Coach:
*Note: Currently OHSAA has no oversite over the Northern 8 Football Conference allowing for this opportunity for 6th grade students. Unfortunately, OHSAA does not recognize 6th grade as a Jr. High grade for Athletics, thus 6th grade students are not eligible for any other Jr. High Athletic programs offered by the district.
If you have additional questions, please contact the following Athletic Directors for more information and details:
HS AD: Mr. Kent Holsopple:
Jr. High AD: Mrs. Megan DeGroff;
Thank you
Kent Holsopple
Stryker Schools Athletic Director